The evil eye, also known as the nazar, has been a meaningful symbol to humans for an estimated 5,000 years. It originated in ancient Mesopotamia and was then adopted by various cultures throughout history and into the modern-day world. The evil eye is a supernatural belief in curse, brought about by a malevolent glare, usually given to a person when one is unaware.
The evil eye is one of the most recognizable symbols of superstition across the globe. It is valued by many cultures around the world, and holds a similar meaning no matter where you may stumble upon it. The significance of the evil eye varies largely through different cultures, but charms and decorations remain the single connecting factor across all beliefs.
You have probably heard of the phrase “they’re giving you the evil eye.” It is a spiteful glare that is said to bring bad luck to the person at whom it is directed for reasons of envy or dislike. If someone is wishing or thinking negativity towards you, wearing an evil eye, also called a Nazar Amulet, will help dispel this energy and protect you from their ill intentions. The evil eye is a talisman that is meant to protect you from these evil spirits. Many people hang an evil eye charm on anything they want to protect including their home, car, baby’s crib and on their person to keep bad energy away. It is said that wearing an evil eye can also help ward off negative thought patterns and protect you throughout your day.
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Color Symbolism
Red evil eye:
Gives more energy and enthusiasm
Gives you courage
Protects you from fears and anxieties
Orange evil eye:
Used for protection and happiness
Inspires motivation and commitment
Increases playfulness and creativity
Gold or Yellow evil eye:
Provides relief from exhaustion
Protects your health
Better concentration and sharpens the mind
Dark green evil eye:
Brings balance in your life
Promotes happiness in life
Give you the freedom to chase new dreams
Light green evil eye:
Promotes good health
Gives you contentment
Guides you towards success with your dreams
Dark blue evil eye:
Calm and relaxation
Fate and karma protection
Smooth flow of communication
Light blue evil eye:
Broadens your perspective
Offers general protection
Gives peace and solitude
Purple evil eye:
Removes obstacles in your path
Boosts your imagination
Acts to re-balance your life
Pink evil eye:
Provides relaxation and contentment
Protects your friendships
Gives you a calming feeling
Brown evil eye:
Connects you with nature
Protects you from the elements
Provides convention and order
Grey evil eye:
Reduces the intensity of another color
Protects you from sorrow
Opens the mind to new situations
White evil eye:
Clears clutter and obstacles
Gives focus and purity
Allows you to start fresh in life